A Quick Post



It’s been really long, I know 🙂 So many things happened in the past 8 months! Here are the highlights for you to anticipate:
– I attended 2 Korean Pop concerts for free!
– Life lessons that I learned this year.
– Trip to Lombok, the exotic island of Indonesia.
– Doing my first video blog!

And on top of that, I’ve been in UK for 3 months now! Life’s been tough lately, yeah, but I will share it to you anyway 🙂 I actually wrote some drafts already but it never finished 😦

Now, please allow me to finish some urgent things and I promise I will be back to bring the stories really soon! This year! 😀
While you’re waiting, I would like to share this month’s favourite music video by this Youtube guy named Kurt Hugo Schneider! Merry Christmas everyone!

Cheers people!
(P.S.: Btw this blog passed 1 year old already! Man, I haven’t done so many things here. LOL *fly away*)